Wednesday, February 24, 2016

No worries..

At every stage of our life, we worry about something. As a kid we worry about  small things. As we grow, there comes more responsibilities, you have to get a job , get married, have kids. After we come parents we worry right from the first day of our kids. I just feel like the worry is never ending.Even today my parents are worried about their grand kids :).

Life is a roller coaster ride, we worry about ups when we are down and worry about downs when we are up. We all know worrying doesn't help anything, still it is very hard to control our mind.What if I told you I have a solution to all your worries. I am sure you will laugh at me. I dont have a solution, but there is a simple flowchart . If you follow it, you can become more logical about the things you worry about than act emotionally.I found this flowchart online a few months back. I am trying to follow this for small worries that bother me.

For example, most of us (mostly moms) worry about getting back to work after a baby,  worry about kids not eating, worry about work related issue, worry about future. I always analyze those worries through this flow chart. Most of my worries  usually  take this path " Do you have a problem -> Yes -> Can you do something about it -> No ->Then dont worry".

The more we train our minds to let us be happy the better it is for us.Please share your thoughts on this. See you soon with another post.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

What makes you and me happy ?

I watched a TED talk video shared by one of my friend on Face Book about a Havard study on what makes human happy.

In the talk he explains that all of us think our main goal in life is to be
1) Rich or
2)Famous or
3) Really work very hard to achieve one of the above.

But what really makes someone  happy is good relationship. They have studied the brain development and also the physical health of around 700 people over their entire life to understand what really makes someone happy.People in a good relationship have always been very happy physically and emotionally than people in conflict. Being in a conflicted relationship can lead more harm to your health than you can imagine.Also people with a big social network have also been really happy. Watch the video below to see more

 Loneliness is something that can kill you.It is so true that people can feel lonely even in a crowded place. It is just a state of mind. Also holding a grudge against someone deteriorates your mental health. Man is a social animal.The talk ends saying , it is surprising how having a good relationship is never a life goal , when that is what really matters at the end of our life when we are at our 70's or 80's.

After I listened to the talk , I realized how true it is. Having a good relationship is not very difficult but needs a lot of understanding and patience. Social network is another thing. In this fast paced life it is very difficult to maintain a social network,  not just Face Book or Twitter.Meeting new people and making new friends is something we have to try to do at every stage of our life.One thing to remember is after the kids grow up, it is only our friends with whom we can connect.

Listen to the TED talk and share your thoughts. My first thought was , I was surprised as to why it took so long to find this little secret. Good night and see you soon with another post.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Joys of having a daughter !!!

Daughters are always special. They are compassionate and loving.After I read the book , Men are from MARS and women are from VENUS, I understood some basic differences between men and women. But only after I see my son and daughter, I really understand the depth of how each gender is so different.

My life got more colorful after my daughter. My daughter looks a lot like me , but her characteristics resembles my husband. As soon as she wakes up she would come and hug me and give me her morning smiles. If not for her I would have not known about fairy tales or peppa pig. If not for her I would have known how to pretend and play. When my kids figure out I am not in best of my mood, my daughter will first try to comfort me. She would just say "You are my baby and I am your mommy you can come and sleep on me". My son on the other hand will be more curious on what happened and how to solve it. Even at this very young age I see a vast difference between them.

My daughter always hugs me, give me kisses , admires whatever I wear. She will tell me "I like the dress you are wearing and the ear ring too". She loves a lot of art work. She likes to comb my hair , dress me up., give me  a massage. I know she is so little that I always let her not to , but still she will at least pretend to do all this.

Also she would pretend to cook for me, help me with laundry and so on. She would always be next to me asking if I need help. I hope all this continues as she grows older too. Fingers crossed :).When she gets  a quiet time, she knows what to say so that her dad will let her go. "She would hug him and say you are the best daddy". That mostly will get her out of trouble.I know that our son also cares for us and he loves us, but daughters are very very expressive. Every day evening just 5-10 minutes with her would make me feel refreshed.Everyday evening no matter what she would come running and give me a hug when I pick her up.

The relationship between daughters and parents are always special. Happy Friday to all of you and have a wonderful long weekend.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Is eyebrow threading good or bad ??

Recently I read an article shared by my friend in a group about how important the area around our eye is. The main nerves and the acupuncture  points are here. Also the skin is very soft and sensitive We are never supposed to do threading or use  tweezers and pluck the hair around this area.

This made me thinking,  in my mom's generation , only people in show business used to wear make up and also trim their eyebrows. I am not sure when it became very common that everybody can do it. I  have never seen my grandmother or my great grandmother correcting their brow line, but they looked more beautiful and happy. I remember in that generation people used to apply castor oil to their eyebrows so it will grow well.

Compared to waxing eyebrows, threading is a lot better. I believe anything in moderation is fine. But we should not  be so obsessed with it . I know few people who feel bad to be in a gathering if they have not trimmed their eyebrows and also some who do threading more often than required.This applies to any form of hair  in our body.Too much of shaving and make up is also bad for your skin.Remember that most  people dont notice all this ,try to be with people who notice your  inner beauty. It is good to look fit, beautiful and feel more confident, but have to be careful of our choices to get there.

I think at-least next generation should be more confident in whatever way they look and more importance should be given to everyone's inner beauty than the outward appearance. Please share your thoughts on this.

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